Sunday, September 6, 2015

Alignment is also a journey

I found out in the hard way, that aligning to a strategy does not happen overnight or even in one trimester.  There are stages to which one can follow to progressively align with the big picture strategy.

I initially thought that if I could forcibly align my actions to an implied strategy to meet the organizations objectives, everyone would see the value of it and be ok with it.  I had this sentiment since, as with the other preconceived misconceptions, that I should be correct from the start since the cost of being wrong is high.

It was only by the middle of the term when I started relaxing this belief and accepted that I can start with the primary stages of alignment.  Application of this concept is by starting to develop operational level systems that still provide business value to its users, and probably later plan on how this systems would integrate and provide added value to the organization.

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