Over the last seven years, I know that have I have served the institution well. Marching to the rhythm of the beat that my leaders have set. I have had my fair share of fumbling actions and decisions. But the leadership my administrators then have showed was that of people whom I could follow to hell and back, similar to that of a crusade. This has set in me a level of idealism of what leaders should be!
The line "nothing that is too good, lasts eternally" came to me as a realization, but in a different relationship context, and it happened for me over the course of the last two years. It was during this period when the administrators of the insitution were replaced with managers that suddenly implemented policies and guidelines as black and white. This opened me to the stark differences between managers and leaders, and that the cry to peform above and beyond one's call of duty were replaced with just strictly complying with expectations. Such that a mere nudge away from this norm branded people as disruptive and someone who goes against the politics that these managers promulgate.
It was during these last two years that I affirmed to myself, I have the inherent character to go against an administration whose politics I do not subscribe to. Moreover, to come to peace with myself on not enduring anymore of those nonsense, and take charge of my decision to leave the path a have previously chosen and journey towards undiscovered terrain.
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