Saturday, September 5, 2015

Relaxing some acquired and developed contraints

At the third phase of my masters’ journey, I am consciously practicing the challenging task of relaxing the constraints that I have come to accept to be true for me.  These constraints involve several hard perceived truths, some of which are that I should know everything before starting to write something, that there are always only two possible options or outcomes to a given situation, and that I still lack the right skills and insights to arrive at a good strategy or recommendation for any given situation.  These constraints have regularly impeded me from moving forward in my journey of learning and at times has eluded me from realizing my goals.

Through the recurring and slightly progressive discussions I have had with very supportive people around me, I am able to slowly trust in my initial insights when coming up with a strategy to achieve an objective, I have previously set. Learning is a journey, and I suppose part of it is the continuous application of new lessons acquired in the past, this includes proceeding in the endeavor with only having enough information to start with to do it, and just acquiring other information along the way that might prove to be essential.

I would admit that these constraints and others like them still shroud my mind, I guess one way to stay in this voyage is to trust in my abilities and remind myself that i would be able to reach my destination eventually.

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